Wisdom of Solomon – notes

My friend, Donald, keeps me apprised of new entries into the excerpts from the Readings of Paul Solomon.  Paul performed akashic readings in the 1970s & 80s I believe, and we have always found the teachings, “wisdom”, to be very grounded and insightful.  The following 2 pieces struck me as something worth posting here.  I apologize that I am not making reference to the specific Reading #, as I am sharing what Donald shared with me.  You can research further here:  www.paulsolomon.com

“There is a wisdom dwelling in you, a super-conscious, a higher intelligence that is of the nature of God within you. There is no other being, no spirit guide nor angels, nor other beings; that would know better what the highest guidance is for you than your own Higher Self.”

In light of this, it seems worth sharing that I have found it most helpful through the past 16 years to write out my thoughts (confusions, frustrations, dilemmas, wonderings) in the form of a letter to my Higher Self (and guides and guru as appropriate) or to speak aloud as I drive my car or take a walk.  This activity has ALWAYS resulted in clarity of what step(s) to take next, as well as giving me a feeling of grounding, support, strength, courage.  The process of writing/speaking requires focusing and clarifying one’s own thoughts.  Simply “thinking” something does not carry the same clarity.  I have found this clarity is essential to the process of receiving insight and spiritual aid. 

Note: in the writing/speaking – I always ASK for insight, guidance, advice.  This, too, is a key element.

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